Let us finish with a crazy proposal for the next three years: a Gymkhana.
what if we break the digital inertias and with the EMCCINNO tool we invite people to get up and do their self-assessments while walking through healthier environments?
What if to interact people didn't have to click any button but walk 100 steps or burn 100 kcal?
The question is: Would it generate any different kind of awareness?
(Well, One thing is sure, at least we would generate less cholesterol)
Another important question is what the results will look like:
Could the self-assessment visualisation be a collage?
For example, the collage could start by inviting us to locate our workplace to get a starting image. Then, for each challenge or test answered, we would obtain icons that would help us to transform - little by little - the initial image, making visible other presences that relate to our ways of living.
A note: For Dewey, Art is an experience that allows us to become aware of our relationships with our environment in order to readapt ourselves mutually.
All this, without renouncing to generate other more scientific visualisations, or to offer in a personalised way links to tools and resources that will allow users to update their ‘reality-collage’.